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Solder Wire Alu 1

Alu 1 is a flux cored solder wire for soldering on pure aluminium and several aluminium alloys. The flux system Alu 1 does not contain any toxic substances. It is based on chemically modified resins and contains no natural rosin. The flux system passed the SIR-test according to J-STD 004B and is therefore classified as a No-Clean flux REL1.
Solder Wire Alu 1

Product Advantages

  • chemically modified resin, reducing the health risks of using rosin based fluxes
  • leaves just slightly coloured residues
  • does not contain any toxic substances
  • suitable for pure aluminium and several aluminium alloys
  • No-Clean residues


The Alu 1 solder wire can be used for cable assembly, manufacture and assembly of wound motors, heat sink construction and assembly as well as for the manufacture of inductors.



To the matching cleaner Flux-Ex Post


  • Sn99,3Cu0,7
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