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Stannol reports according to the German Sustainability Code


Stannol is one of the first companies in the solder industry to submit a voluntary sustainability declaration within the framework of the German Sustainability Code (DNK). The report is about the specific sustainability strategies and measures that the company has implemented in 2022. According to twenty defined code criteria and performance indicators, Stannol provides detailed information, for example, on the areas of resource management, climate-relevant emissions, responsibility or human rights.

The DNK was developed by the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE). It was appointed for the first time in 2001 by the then Federal Government. The reports of the currently around 1,000 registered companies can be directly compared with each other via the DNK database.

"We decided to publish voluntarily according to the German Sustainability Code in order to create the greatest possible transparency and to disclose our activities in the area of sustainability in a structured manner," explains Marco Dörr, Managing Director at Stannol. "We want to establish a professional basis for our reporting and will continue to develop this in the future."

The detailed Stannol DNK report can be found in the DNK database in German and English.

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