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GEN3 – AutoCAF2+

Measuring device for the detection and monitoring of CAF formation in printed circuit boards

Due to the increasing stress caused by changing temperatures, humidity and various voltages, CAF defects are a serious challenge in the development of printed circuit boards. If CAF formation is detected early, safety risks can be minimised and costs for failures can be reduced. With the AutoCAF2+, test structures with different voltages can be easily and reliably tested for CAF formation. In addition, measurements up to 1,250 volts are possible, in accordance with ISO PASS 19295:2016(E).

    Product Features

    • measurement time: < 10 seconds to acquire, measure and display all 256 channels
    • fast data processing: measurement per channel in less than 15 milliseconds
    • possible voltages: + 1 V to 1,250 V
    • measuring range: 106 Ohm to 1014 Ohm
    • measuring intervals: freely selectable from a minimum of 60 seconds
    • shielded measurement cables
    • flexible: all existing test specifications of IPC, IEC, JNC or user specifications can be used
    • adaptive and flexible software use under Windows 10

    Application Areas

    • CAF tests on test structures
    • high voltage CAF tests

    Available Versions

    Type Measuring Channels
    AutoCAF2+ 64 64
    AutoCAF2+ 128 128
    AutoCAF2+ 256 256


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