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Flux EF180 Bio PV

EF180 Bio PV is a bio flux from Stannol‘s more sustainable greenconnect product range. By using renewable raw materials, a better ecological balance is achieved while maintaining the same high quality. EF180 Bio PV is a zero-halogen, resin-free, low-solids flux developed specifically for the photovoltaic module industry. The flux shows excellent solderability in module assembly processes for soldering by IR and convection. It can be applied and soldered by hand onto the ribbon or fully automated in tabber/stringer soldering systems with spray fluxer.
Flux EF180 Bio PV

Product Advantages

  • CO2 savings
  • No-Clean
  • extremely low residue – minimal equipment contamination, low-maintenance processing
  • low solids content
  • excellent peel force resistivity
  • excellent wettability


Developed for the photovoltaic industry, EF180 Bio PV can be applied by spray or dip. The flux is suitable for both automated spray and stringer applications and can also be used for hand soldering.

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