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Stannol publishes second DNK report


Stannol has submitted its second voluntary sustainability declaration as part of the German Sustainability Code (DNK). The report deals with the specific sustainability strategies and measures that the company implemented in 2023.

In accordance with twenty defined DNK criteria and performance indicators, Stannol provides detailed information on areas such as resource management, climate-relevant emissions, responsibility and human rights.

"We have initiated many measures, so a comparison with the previous year is worthwhile. The figures clearly show that medium-sized companies can have a major influence on their emissions – and are also responsible for them," emphasises Susanne Schlüter, Management Assistant.

The Sustainability Code was drawn up by the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE). It was first appointed in 2001 by the then Federal Government. The Sustainability Code database allows the reports of the 1,000 or so companies currently registered to be compared directly with one another.


Download DNK Declaration 2023

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