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Green Electronics

Green Electronics

The technology forum around sustainability

On June 14 and 15, 2023, the companies kolb Cleaning Technology, MTM Ruhrzinn and Stannol invite you to "Green Electronics" – an event dedicated exclusively to the topic of sustainability in the electronics industry. At the Unesco World Heritage Site "Zeche Zollverein" (coal mine industrial complex) in Essen, speakers will address various aspects relating to sustainable production, saving resources and recycling raw materials. In a short interview, Christian Ortmann, Managing Director of kolb Cleaning Technology, Dan Mutschler, Managing Director of MTM Ruhrzinn and Thomas Kolossa, Sales Manager at Stannol, explain what goal they are pursuing with Green Electronics – and why you should not miss the event.

Why did you decide to organise an event exclusively on the topic of sustainability?

Dan Mutschler: There are many events in the electronics industry, but the topic of sustainability is usually only dealt with in passing. We wanted to create a platform where the topic takes center stage and is examined in detail by various experts.

Christian Ortmann: All three companies took up the cause of sustainability years ago – each of them is a pioneer in its own field, be it recycling, cleaning technology or solder. So it was only the next logical step for us to join forces and plan an event with this focus together.

Thomas Kolossa: Our goal with Green Electronics is to address as many interested parties as possible who are open to a holistic approach and exchange on the topic – regardless of whether they have already dealt with it intensively or not at all.

What did you focus on when selecting the speakers?

Christian Ortmann: It was important to us that the speakers not only have proven expertise in their subject area, but can also demonstrate concrete measures with which one can actually influence the various aspects of sustainability in one's own company. We are interested in real ideas and not in greenwashing.

Thomas Kolossa: We also wanted a mixture of different areas such as management, purchasing or production – with lots of practical tips. I think we have succeeded in this with the composition of the chosen experts.

Dan Mutschler: We attach great importance to the fact that it is not a sales event. As organisers, we also deliberately do not give our own lectures, but only invite external experts. The aim is not to promote ourselves.

What would you like to achieve with Green Electronics?

Thomas Kolossa: First of all, we would of course be delighted to have as many participants as possible – and a lively exchange on the subject of sustainability. The day offers a good opportunity to create and use networks.

Dan Mutschler: We would like to provide food for thought and practical recommendations for action: What levers are available to me on the topic that I may have overlooked so far? It is also important to us to demonstrate the concrete added value of sustainability: ecology and economy are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Christian Ortmann: After each presentation, there will be plenty of time for questions, suggestions and special requests. Everyone can get involved. At the end, it would be great if each participant could take away one or two topics for themselves that can then be implemented in their own company.

Green Electronics – Key Facts

Location: Zeche Zollverein, Essen

Get Together: 14.06.2023, including barbecue and guided tour around the coal mine industrial complex

Green Electronics: 15.06.2023

Moderation: Sabrina Nickel

Further information about the program and registration can be found at: www.green-electronics.net

kolb Cleaning Technology GmbH

The company is one of the global market leaders in the field of cleaning systems and cleaning chemicals for electronics manufacturing. For more than 30 years, kolb Cleaning Technology has been setting new benchmarks in both mechanical engineering and chemical development and in the design of energy-efficient, long-lasting processes "made in Germany". The company is also considered a pioneer in the field of sustainable aqueous system cleaning in the electronics industry.

Stannol GmbH & Co. KG

Founded in 1879, the company is still considered a pioneer of modern soldering technology. In addition to its high quality standards and its innovative research and development department, Stannol focuses above all on ecological solder production: Back in 2014, Stannol launched the world's first fair solder wire. Under the name greenconnect, the company now offers a complete product range that focuses on sustainability and fairness.

MTM Ruhrzinn GmbH

MTM Ruhrzinn supports the electronics industry after the production of assemblies and optimises material flow management for production waste containing tin and precious metals. As a certified waste management company, the company promotes the circular economy by sustainably handling more than 400 t of tin, gold and silver waste per year. In addition, the company calculates the product carbon footprint for raw materials obtained from production waste in the electronics industry through recycling and provides customers with certified proof of greenhouse gas emissions saved. Sustainability is documented in accordance with DIN ISO standard 14067:2019 and thus made measurable.


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