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Product labeling

according to REACH and RoHS regulation

Product labeling

according to REACH and RoHS regulation

Implementation of the new chemicals legislation

We would like to inform you that all substances contained in our products have been pre-registered by our suppliers according to the requirements of the REACH regulation. Therefore, we assume that all primary materials will continue to be available and that we can continue to supply our products in the usual formulation.

All products purchased from our company, as well as the packaging, do not contain any substances above 0.1% by mass that are included in the candidate list. For details please refer to the respective safety data sheet.

We are happy to support you

If you have any questions, please contact our REACH expert Andreas Raupach.

The picture shows a man with thin, grey hair. He is wearing a dark blue shirt with a white T-shirt underneath. He smiles friendly at the camera.

Andreas Raupach

Product safety

Phone -12


PDF REACH-Declaration
PDF ROHS Declaration
PDF ROHS Declaration Flux
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